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The SCL’s New Take on the Delay and Disruption Protocol

In June of this year, the Society of Construction Law (“SCL”) sent its members a draft of the second edition of its widely recognised Delay and Disruption Protocol. It follows the publication of a Rider published late last year about which this author wrote a previous article. Although the “2016 Draft” is meant to be consultatory, there are a number of improvements from the “2002 Edition” worth exploring before the final and definitive version is published sometime in the future. There have been many changes not all of which will be covered in this article and, in any case, I will only focus on changes other than those already included in the Rider.

By |October 3rd, 2016|Delay, Knowledge Hub|Comments Off on The SCL’s New Take on the Delay and Disruption Protocol

Society of Construction Law’s Rider 1 to its Delay and Disruption Protocol

In July of this year, the Society of Construction Law (SCL) published Rider 1 (“the Rider”) of its 2002 Delay and Disruption Protocol (“the Protocol”). The Rider’s Preamble lists a series of amendments to the Protocol intended to serve as an update reflecting (a) legal and industry practice developments, (b) feedback, (c) technological developments, (d) increase in scale of larger projects, and (e) international use of the Protocol. The Rider is intended to serve as the first part of the amendments to the Protocol, the totality of which should feature in a consolidated and updated version of the Protocol later this year.[1]

By |December 16th, 2015|Delay, Knowledge Hub|Comments Off on Society of Construction Law’s Rider 1 to its Delay and Disruption Protocol
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