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Where Do FIDIC Cases Go?

FIDIC is arguably the most widely used standard form of international construction contract but reported FIDIC cases are rare. Is it time for an increased publication of FIDIC cases? There are three categories of decisions arising out of FIDIC dispute resolution provisions: 1. Decisions of the Engineer or the Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB), which will generally not be published or reported to anyone other than the parties involved in the dispute. 2. Decisions of arbitral tribunals, which are not usually made public although this is subject to certain exceptions. 3. Decisions of national courts, which are a relatively rare occurrence for the reasons discussed below.

By |December 16th, 2015|Arbitration, Dispute Boards, Knowledge Hub|Comments Off on Where Do FIDIC Cases Go?

FIDIC’s Silver Book – Payments due shall not be withheld … really?

There is a substantial difference between the payment provisions of the FIDIC 1999 Red and Yellow Books compared with the Silver Book. This article explores how a court in Queensland (Australia) has dealt with the Silver Book’s provision. Contractors have good cause to be wary.

By |November 14th, 2014|Knowledge Hub|Comments Off on FIDIC’s Silver Book – Payments due shall not be withheld … really?

Indemnity Costs – you’ll be lucky! Interim Payment of Costs – definitely maybe

Even if a claimant has achieved complete success in litigation, it remains exceptionally difficult to recover legal costs on an indemnity basis, as this case demonstrates. Costs will most likely be recovered on the standard basis – at least in the absence of bad conduct during the litigation itself. This case also indicates that the court will generally limit an interim payment of costs to two-thirds of an approved costs budget.

By |November 12th, 2014|English Law, Knowledge Hub, Litigation|Comments Off on Indemnity Costs – you’ll be lucky! Interim Payment of Costs – definitely maybe

Light at the end of the tunnel? Gibraltar dispute reviews key FIDIC Yellow Book provisions

As disputes under the FIDIC forms of contract are normally resolved in private Dispute Adjudication Board (“DAB”) proceedings or confidential arbitration proceedings, reported FIDIC cases are rare and often of considerable precdential value either formally or informally. In this article, originally published in The International Construction Law Review, Corbett & Co. Director Victoria Tyson considers one such recent decision which was transferred from the Gibraltar courts.

By |September 14th, 2014|Arbitration, Dispute Boards, Knowledge Hub|Comments Off on Light at the end of the tunnel? Gibraltar dispute reviews key FIDIC Yellow Book provisions

Tunnel Vision: The English High Court Considers the FIDIC Yellow Book

The English Court considers termination and notice provisions under the FIDIC Yellow Book 1999. How are clause 15.1 notices to correct limited? Do termination events have to be repudiations? Is it fatal to serve notice of termination on the ’wrong’ address? When does the 28-day period under clause 20.1 start to run? Mr Justice Akenhead offers guidance to the industry.

By |September 1st, 2014|English Law, Knowledge Hub, Litigation|Comments Off on Tunnel Vision: The English High Court Considers the FIDIC Yellow Book
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