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+ 44 (0)20 8614 6200

Can a party ignore FIDIC’s DAB process and refer its dispute directly to arbitration?

If there is no DAB appointed by the parties to a FIDIC 1999 contract, may disputes be referred directly to arbitration under clause 20.8? This issue has troubled many in the industry – and has now been considered in English and Swiss courts.

By |November 17th, 2014|Adjudication / Dispute Boards / ADR, Dispute Boards, Knowledge Hub|Comments Off on Can a party ignore FIDIC’s DAB process and refer its dispute directly to arbitration?

FIDIC’s Silver Book – Payments due shall not be withheld … really?

There is a substantial difference between the payment provisions of the FIDIC 1999 Red and Yellow Books compared with the Silver Book. This article explores how a court in Queensland (Australia) has dealt with the Silver Book’s provision. Contractors have good cause to be wary.

By |November 14th, 2014|Knowledge Hub|Comments Off on FIDIC’s Silver Book – Payments due shall not be withheld … really?

BoQ rates neither ‘immutable nor sacrosanct’

A contractor who has loaded a tender BoQ rate in the expectation of a windfall will be interested to learn that recent guidance from the Hong Kong Court of Appeal supports the engineer’s request for evidence of the original tender build up and, among other things, will disallow all loading if substantial differences in actual quantities would make it reasonable to do so under the contract. This article explores that new guidance which finds contract rates to be neither immutable nor sacrosanct in such circumstances.

By |November 13th, 2014|Knowledge Hub|Comments Off on BoQ rates neither ‘immutable nor sacrosanct’
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